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A stylish twist action ball pen in a range of solid barrel colours - Great value!
A quality feel from this well finished push action ball pen with a real metal nose cone for a substantial feel.
A low cost twist action pen with a great quality refill in vibrant colours and large barrel print area.
Why have 1 ink colour when you can have 4!. A very well made pen that any recipient would be pleased to receive.
As well as using less plastic by having a card barrel, the trim is made from plastic made up of 50% wheat plastic from a natural and sustainable source.
Need to get your QR code out there? Not only is it great for advertising it is a fantastic quality pen. Price also includes a 1 colour print to the barrel.
As well as using less plastic by having a card barrel, the clip is made from wood from a sustainable source.
A stylish push action ball pen available in black or white with a gold trim.
Another Variation from our best selling products, a silver version of the koda range.
A classy push action ball pen where the barrel and trim is made from 60% wheat plastic from a natural and sustainable source.
Our best-selling push action ball pen with added silver ions to prevent bacterua living on its surfaces. Stay safe!!
A sleek ball pen with a two-tone moulded barrel and clip with a chromed nose cone. A great print area to the barrel.
As well as using less plastic by having a card barrel, the trim is made from plastic made up of 60% wheat plastic from a natural and sustainable source.
This pen uses less plastic by having a card barrel which can be easily recycled and is more compostable than a plastic barrel.
This much loved push action ball pen includes high gloss parts. Made in Germany at Klio Eterna with climate neutral production, 20% of the plastic...
95% recycled RPET plastic ball pen with a push action and curvy design. An added iron clip for premium touch.
A push action favourite made from 60% wheat plastic from a natural and sustainable source.
A high quality push action ball pen with high gloss parts. Made in Germany at Klio Eterna with climate neutral production, 20% of the plastic in...
A stylish matt finish capped ball pen with a modern square shaped barrel and brushed metal clip. A soft feel version of this pen on orders over...
Vibrant Colours with stunning chrome trim and a great print area - great value for money. Solid White or Solid Black available at an extra cost (TPC980902)